
Shipping Product During Coronavirus Pandemic

by jeffrey han on Apr 20, 2020

When 7Pipe office building was shut down during the pandemic of 2020, 7Pipe was forced to move shipping out of the office and into a home.  To be exact, the home of our shipping coordinator.  This transition was relatively smooth with a few bumps and scratches.  Having your living room taken over by pipes and envelopes is not the dream of anyones wife or girlfriend (Sorry Mairim!)  But you gotta do what you gotta do.

Scheduling the post office guy to pick up packages wasn't working so we had to drag a post office delivery guy from his route to our temporary shipping center by force ; )   And then, we just gave up and took our huge bundle of packages to the post office directly.  Gotta do what you gotta do.

Some emergency shelving purchases helped out alot too, for organization purposes.   Much credit goes to our shipping guy who has endured late nights and commando style raids on the local post office.  We know the US Post Office is having problems with congressional funding, and we hope you make it out alive, because 7Pipe depends on your services!  


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